Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Evaluating an complete website

I have finished creating my web portfolio in Dreamweaver. The website is a simple, Easy website with the intention of easy navigation. The navigation bar is placed to the left of the website. I have stylized the navigation bar with skills i have learned in Adobe Illustrator. The image shows a hand holding an clipboard with several check boxes upon it. When the user scrolls their mouse over the check boxes, a cross appears in the box. And the user is able to click each box to get to a desired page. I believe the website could have been made better by having a more diverse design and more pages. The content on the website is limited and i will like to advance this in the future to help create an more detailed portfolio.
As for the style of the image i would like to rethink the fonts used and make more use of the white space. I believe an redesign of the website is necessary to create an website that is eaiser to navigate and has a decent display of content

Cafe townsend tutorial

I have completed a tutorial on Dreamweaver. The tutorial is showing beginners how to use Dreamweaver to create an more advanced website. My website featured flash content, CSS styles and made use of a few of the features Dreamweaver had to offer.

Advanced Wiki

I have recently submitted a post upon an advanced wiki on the college system for my assignment detailing a chosen type of web technology
For my next task i developed another simple HTML website. This website was made to analyze in further detail, another website. I chose Stumble upon as my website and this is a brief preview of the outcome.

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The beginning of the end

Firstly, I began by gaining a basic grasp upon HTML and websites in general. To do this i created a simple txt document with basic HTML code inside of it. Inside this i created a simple table and analyzed 12 different websites. the following image is the final product.

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Website developed in Dreamweaver

For this college assignment i have been given a brief, asking me to develop an Dreamweaver website for my digital portfolio. I will be developing this over the next few weeks as well as learning new skills that will help improve my site.